Jeremy Stanley <> writes:

> Yes, this is a much nicer way of rephrasing it, but basically still what
> I said. Turning on HTTPS by default wouldn't be addressing any
> particular user risk, it would simply keep everyone from having to
> discuss and explain it ad nauseum. Much like replacing older hash
> functions for non-security-related checksumming: the potential for
> accidental collisions may not outweigh the engineering effort required
> to update applications or protocols, but the time developers will spend
> having to explain why they're using MD5 or SHA-1 hashes can be orders of
> magnitude greater still.

Yes, this sounds right to me.

It sounds like we have a general consensus in this thread that, while
changing our default to HTTPS probably won't make anything more secure in
practice, we should still do it?

If so, I think the next step would be to open a bug with a summary of this
discussion.  I'm happy to do that, but I'm not sure what package owns this

Russ Allbery (              <>

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