I'm not sure if this is worth giving any attention to, but it's the sort
of thing that's going to keep bothering me at a mild level if nothing is
done about it, so I figure I might as well at least ask.

Over the period since the release, I've seen quite a few packages show
up in testing with an automated-looking changelog entry along the lines of:

  * Binary-only non-maintainer upload for [arch]; no source changes.
  * Rebuild to drop dependency on libgdk-puxbif2.0-0

This has the vowel-transposition spelling error of "puxbif" instead of

There are currently 70 changelog entries of that form on my computer;
how many other packages might be affected I don't know.

If this were a simple spelling error in the changelog wording, I'd
probably just ignore it. Since it's referencing the name of another
package, however, that doesn't seem quite right; at the very least, it's
going to make looking for changes which reference that other package harder.

If I saw a spelling error like this in the changelog for just one single
package, I'd probably file a wishlist bug report against that package to
request that the shipped changelog be retroactively updated to correct
the error, and leave it at that.

Since the number of affected packages (and, I suspect, source packages)
is so sizable, however, that doesn't seem entirely reasonable; not only
would that be a lot of tiny wishlist bugs, even identifying the set of
affected packages isn't something I'm in a position to do without what
to me is a noticeable degree of effort.

Is there any reasonable way to get this spelling error corrected in the
changelogs across all these packages?

Or is this too minor to be worth bothering with, and something that
should be just left to lie as it stands?

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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