Simon McVittie dijo [Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 03:13:02PM +0100]:
> Using types outside text/ is definitely appropriate for very verbose text
> languages like SVG and "flat" OpenDocument, where it's *technically*
> text, and *technically* you could edit it with a text editor, but in
> practice that's rarely what anyone wants.
> For scripting languages like sh and Python, I'm not sure: either way
> could be appropriate. Which is more common: sharing scripts as source
> code to read and edit, or sharing scripts as executables to download
> and run as-is? If the former, text/ makes sense, if the latter,
> application/.

I side with Paul Wise -- If a script is served by a Web server to a
browser, I don't think the desired result will be to download and
execute right away. text/* seems much better suited for me. Users
willing to execute said scripts should download and execute locally --
and nobody should be bitten by the surprise of automatic (even after
a UI acknowledgement) code execution of random Internet content.

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