Hi Steinar,

On 07.12.21 10:07, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
On Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 08:55:00AM +0100, Tomas Pospisek wrote:
I note that Steinar Gunderson [1] is now employed by Google to work on
Chrome, so maybe there could be hope talking to him?

It's right that I'm just joining the Chromium team, although probably not in
an area that is interesting to you (Style & Font). (And of course, I don't
really have a say in anything yet, and I don't know anyone yet :-) )
I don't have the context here; what specifically is it that you're interested
in getting fixed?

problem explanation starts at [1]. Let me try to summarize (those in the known please correct me):

* chromium in Debian is *way* behind upstream
  * many security issues that are fixed upstream but not in Debian
  * chromium maintenance team is too small wrt to maintenance load
  * Debian is carrying many patches
    * Debian has reported bugs and patches upstream in the bug tracker
      * at least some build/build-options related
      * no feedback at all from upstream, issues persist
        * upstream's perception and attention seems to be limited to
          internal bug tracker

So you being a DD and soon at work on Chromium the hope was that maybe you could conduct some of upstream love to care about the world outside of Google (?), here in particular Debian's effort to provide Chromium to its users... to help that effort.

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2021/12/msg00079.html

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