
I'm not involved in ftp-master, but...

On 21-01-2022 18:19, Andreas Tille wrote:
Am Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 09:51:12AM -0500 schrieb M. Zhou:
I'd rather propose choice C. Because I to some extent understand
both sides who support either A or B. I maintain bulky C++ packages,
and I also had a little experience reviewing packages on behalf of

A -- Some (e.g. C++) packages may frequently enter the NEW queue,
with OLD src and NEW bins (e.g. SOVERSION bump). A portion of devs
feel it is not necessary for frequently because it drastically
slows down the maintainer's work. In the worst case, when the
package finally passed the NEW queue, the maintainer may have
to go through NEW queue again upon the next upload. (This is very
likely to happen for tensorflow, etc).

I have heard this argument and my mail was simply to find out what
fellow developers think about this.  IMHO the issue is sufficiently
important to have some kind of documented consensus about this.

It's not only the copyright that the ftp-master are responsible for. New binaries fill a place in the Debian namespace and they *are* the keepers of that.

And https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2021/07/msg00231.html


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