On Thu, 2022-04-28 at 14:32 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:

> Making the test script set up a mock XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and a mock
> session bus would be a less useful test, because that only proves that
> gnome-keyring can work if you set up a mock environment by hand, and says
> nothing about whether gnome-keyring genuinely works on a normal system.

Does that mean that autopkgtests that directly or indirectly use the
dbus-run-session tool to setup a temporary D-Bus session are buggy?

If so, there are lots of dbus-run-session uses in Debian autopkgtests,
including within the autopkgtests for dbus itself and parts of GNOME.


I've made this mistake myself in the mpv-mpris autopkgtests, got the
tests included upstream as a build-time test (where using a mock D-Bus
sessions seems correct) and then used those tests in the Debian
autopkgtests, but without removing the D-Bus mocking.

The other thing is testing graphical tools; should that be done in a
mock X11/Wayland session (using xvfb-run), or a real desktop session?



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