On 2022-05-16 00:40:25 +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> The vlc package now uses a Recommends (vlc-plugin-pipewire) to force
> users to use pipewire instead of pulseaudio (which broke the use of
> VLC, but also apparently ogg123 with the alsa device). IMHO, this is
> a bad use of Recommends. It is not up to applications to choose what
> sound server to use, even via a meta-package like vlc.
> Shouldn't there be something in the policy about that?

Nothing forces pipewire on you. If you don't want it, don't install it.
It isn't a dependency.

And for the record: you get pipewire installed because libpipewire-0.3-0
recommends it.

Sebastian Ramacher

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