Andrea Pappacoda <> writes:

> Would alternatives really be that bad? What if the current /usr/bin/muon
> was moved to /usr/bin/muon-kde, muon-build was installed to
> /usr/bin/muon-build and /usr/bin/muon was shared between the two
> packages?  What issues could it cause?

Debian specifically disallows providing the same binary path from multiple
packages in cases where the two binaries do not do the same thing with
roughly the same arguments [1].  It would create a situation where
/usr/bin/muon on different Debian systems can do wildly different things
depending on what packages are installed or even on what order in which
they're installed.  That in turn creates user confusion, can cause weird
problems, etc.  It's just too surprising for users for the same binary to
be entirely different things on different Debian systems with the same
major release installed.

(It's bad enough when it happens between releases, although in that case
sometimes we live with it as the least bad option.)


Russ Allbery (              <>

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