Summary: Retransmit

On Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 08:58:32PM +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Dear all,
> Today I started the Release Team Checklist [1] and noticed:
> [ ] Theme (artwork) design should be finalised and decided
> I just found two small threads on debian-desktop [2, 3], but I'm not aware
> of any further activity on the artwork front. Do we have volunteers to push
> for the bookworm artwork creation and selection (like [3])? It's not going
> to happen by itself. (I might have missed the activity, pointers to it would
> be appreciated).
> Paul
> who is *not* going to do that.

Time will tell if someone stepped forward
or that we just re-used an existing design.

Geert Stappers

Silence is hard to parse

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