On Thu, 2022-11-03 at 20:11 +0800, 张丹丹 wrote:

> Port to LoongArch architecture for Debian, now in the "Downstreaming"
> section in the port life-cycle according to
> <https://wiki.debian.org/PortsDocs/New>.

I initiated this document and wrote a fair bit of it, with help from
the rest of the Debian community. If it is in any way incorrect or
unclear, that is probably my fault. Feedback and edits are welcome.

>  3、#debian-loongarch64 IRC
>  Have joined the #debian-bootstrap, #debian-ports and other Debian
> IRC channels. And have created a new #debian-loongarch64 channel.

The IRC channel (and mailing list) should be named after the
architecture family, not the port itself. I have just clarified this
in the new port documentation. In addition it sounds like from the 
discussion on debian-dpkg that the port will be named loong64.

So I suggest deregistering #debian-loongarch64 and adding #debian-loong.



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