On 2023-05-16 17:05:25 -0700 (-0700), Russ Allbery wrote:
> Well, believe what you believe, but I literally do that daily, as
> does anyone else who regularly uses software from a Rust or Go
> ecosystem.  Not a single work day goes by without me running, on
> some random Ubuntu or Red Hat or Debian system, binaries that were
> compiled on some random other Linux distribution (often I have no
> idea which one).

Throwing another common one on the heap, similar to the previous
Steam example, Python wheels with compiled extensions are often
distributed on PyPI for a fictional "manylinux" platform which
indicates they're intended to be usable on most GNU/Linux
distributions (though in their case, they compile on ~ancient RHEL
versions to achieve that). One way that manulinux wheels are less
like Rust or Go is that they typically don't use static compilation,
but rather vendor in additional dynamically-linked libs which are
unlikely to be present on the target installations.
Jeremy Stanley

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