On Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 06:43:36PM +0000, Benjamin Drung wrote:
> Hi,
> while working a whole week on fixing failing C/C++ header compilations
> for armhf time_t [1], I noticed a common pattern: The library -dev
> packages was missing one or more dependencies on another -dev package.
> Over 200 -dev packages are affected.
> I propose to add an autodep8 test for C/C++ header files that tries to
> compile the header file. This will catch issues like missing
> dependencies and other issues.
> Here is a draft for the autopkgtest check script that takes a binary
> -dev package as parameter:
> https://github.com/bdrung/bdrung-scripts/blob/compile-header-check/compile-header-check
> What do you think? Should I proceed developing and packaging this check
> script and submit support for it in autodep8?
> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/vorlon/armhf-time_t/-/merge_requests/103

Whlie it does seem an interesting tool at first glance (and thanks for
doing the work and presenting a proof of concept), I can think of
several cases when compilation of the concatenated header files would

1) The library has a "main" header file that must be included before
   any of the others, and it does not come first in lexicographical
   order. It may define typedefs and structure definitions that
   the other header files can use, it may define preprocessor symbols
   that reflect the availability of this or that system header file or
   type; there are also other ways in which another header file
   distributed by the -dev package may depend on the main one.

2) As a variation of the above, the -dev package may distribute
   the full set of header files included in the library, and some of
   them may only be included if certain preprocessor symbols are
   defined. Since their use is guarded by conditionals, they are
   allowed to unconditionally include system-specific header files
   that are only available on e.g. Windows or NetBSD or Darwin, etc.
   Unconditionally compiling the contents of those files would fail.

3) The -dev package may distribute the full set of header files
   included in the library, and some of them may be mutually exclusive
   and impossible to combine. For example, a header file may include
   either this or that other header file based on preprocessor
   defintions (OS type, features enabled, etc), and the included
   files may both define a function with the same name, but different

4) Some of the library's header files may not be supposed to be
   included in all cases; the library's -dev package may suggest
   (but not depend on or recommend) another -dev package as
   an optional dependency, and a library's header file may
   unconditionally include some header file from the latter package.

All of these cases are things I've seen in complex libraries with
many header files; maybe not all of them can be found in Debian
right now.

So... yeah. Thanks for your work, I know you mean well and you are
trying to make the life of Debian developers better, but this
particular approach will likely fail on a non-trivial set of
Debian -dev packages.


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@debian.org p...@storpool.com
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