On 2024-03-14 22:03 -0700, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hi!
> Is anyone perhaps planning to fix cargo?

Yes. We have been working on it this week (e.g. ema built cargo for armhf),
but that is not sufficient to unbung the
curl->stunnel4->python->crypography->cargo loop.

I tried building the patched stunnel4 last night but got stuck on
other missing dependencies, and just about everything being
uninstallable (and then my wife made me do something else for the rest
of the evening).

> For example curl isn't building on armel/armhf now and numerous packages
> that depend of curl are not building on armel/armhf.

We are well aware that this is broken and blocking lots of
things. Co-ordinate efforts on the #debian-arm channel.

There are plenty of other loops to unbung too. 

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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