
Michael Shuler <mich...@pbandjelly.org> wrote on 06/04/2024 at 16:31:28+0200:

> On 4/5/24 10:30, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
>> Pierre-Elliott Bécue <p...@debian.org> wrote on 31/03/2024 at 14:31:37+0200:
>>> Wookey <woo...@wookware.org> wrote on 31/03/2024 at 04:34:00+0200:
>>>> On 2024-03-30 20:52 +0100, Ansgar 🙀 wrote:
>>>>> Yubikeys, Nitrokeys, GNUK, OpenPGP smartcards and similar devices.
>>>>> Possibly also TPM modules in computers.
>>>>> These can usually be used for both OpenPGP and SSH keys.
>>>> Slightly off-topic, but a couple of recent posts have given me the
>>>> same thought:
>>>> Can someone point to good docs on this?  I've had a yubikey for 3/4 of
>>>> a year now but have not yet worked out how I put my GPG key in it. (or
>>>> if it should be another key, or a subkey, or whatever). So I'm not
>>>> actually using it yet.
>>>> PEB also described what sounded like a very sensible way to manage
>>>> keys (using subkeys) in one of these threads but I don't know how to
>>>> do that myself.
>>> I have started (and never finished) a blog article on how I use my
>>> YubiKey and what config I put in it. I'll definitely try to get it out
>>> before the end of next week. I'll probably extend it to mention the
>>> creation of GPG subkeys etc.
>>> I would also be happy if it helps my fellow DDs to try making an article
>>> about some basic crypto concepts regarding PGP, RSA et al. But not in
>>> the same piece I guess.
>> Hello,
>> For those interested in: I've published two articles:
>>   1. One on PGP subkeys https://pe.becue.phd/openpgp-subkeys
>>   2. One on the OpenPGP module of YubiKeys:
>>      https://pe.becue.phd/yubikey-workfow-openpgp
>> I'm happy to receive any kind of constructive feedback.
> Thank you so much for working on these. I last-minute cobbled together
> a BOF on GPG Key Best Practices at Columbia in 2010, since the topic
> came up in another talk. I was blown away at how much I did not know,
> the complexity, as well as how many people crammed in that room -
> definitely there are interested people (I think Wookey was there,
> too?). I include myself in each of the things others mentioned, that I
> should have been doing since then, but just never got around to.. At
> least I now have a fist full of Yubikeys to play with, as we use them
> at work, so thanks for your work. I appreciate it, and I'm guessing
> there's a rather large, quiet group of people thinking the same.

I'm very happy if it helps as little as one person.

I do intend to add articles to both series, as I think these topics are
really interesting, and having a good knowledge is a good way to take
educated decisions.

Thanks forn your feedback!

Nota: I did make some changes based on some feedback I already received,
thanks for those having spent the time reading.

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