On 15 Jun 1998, Martin Mitchell wrote:

> Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Yes, but note that the current version of ae fixes a lot of these
> > problems.  [I found this out while attempting to verify some
> > of my gripes about ae.]
> Is it just me, or does the vi mode in the current version of ae not work
> at all? I tried
> ae -f /etc/ae2vi.rc tst
This is the old .rc file, left behind by a dpkg artifact during the
upgrade. While future versions of ae will be able to remove this file, I
don't see Brian letting it into hamm, but as it is only useful in this
mode during an install, everything will work fine.

> and could not even quit with :q, I had to switch consoles and kill it.
> Perhaps much of this discussion could be solved if ae managed vi keybindings
> a little better.
>       Martin.
> P.S. This test was using ae version 962-20.
You used the -20 code with the -15 .rc file.

Try it again using:

ae -f /etc/ae/ae2vi.rc tst

and you will have better results. (It's not great, mind you, just better)


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