Previously Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>And the upstream author also says we really should put 5.1 in hamm,
> and who would want to argue with him?

I've just checked the 5.0 -> 5.1 changelog. Basically some a whole bunch of
errors have been fixedand   Win32-support has been vastly improved,

There are some new features though. I'll put the changelog below.

Personally, I would like to see vim 5.1 in hamm, but that's just me.
As a vim-addict I'm somewhat subjective here.


VERSION 5.1                                             *version-5.1*

Improvements made between version 5.0 and 5.1.


The expand() function now separates file names with <NL> instead of a space.
This avoids problems for file names with embedded spaces.  To get the old
result, use substitute(expand(foo), "\n", " ", "g").

For Insert-expanding dictionaries allow a backslash to be used for
wildchars.  Allows expanding "ze\kra", when 'isk' includes a backslash.

New icon for the Win32 GUI.

":tag", ":tselect" etc. only use the argument as a regexp when it starts
with '/'.  Avoids that ":tag xx~" gives an error message: "No previous sub.
regexp".  Also, when the :tag argument contained wildcard characters, it was
not Vi compatible.
When using '/', the argument is taken literally too, with a higher priority,
so it's found before wildcard matches.
Only when the '/' is used are matches with different case found, even though
'ignorecase' isn't set.
Changed "g^]" to only do ":tselect" when there is more than on matching tag.

Changed some of the default colors, because they were not very readable on a
dark background.

A character offset to a search pattern can move the cursor to the next or
previous line.  Also fixes that "/pattern/e+2" got stuck on "pattern" at the
end of a line.

Double-clicks in the status line do no longer start Visual mode.  Dragging a
status line no longer stops Visual mode.

Perl interface: Buffers() and Windows() now use more logical arguments, like
they are used in the rest of Vim (Moore).

Init '" mark to the first character of the first line.  Makes it possible to
use '" in an autocommand without getting an error message.


"shell_error" internal variable: result of last shell command.

":echohl" command: Set highlighting for ":echo".

'A', 'N' and 'I' flags to 'mouse': Do position the cursor, but don't start
Visual mode, only start xterm-like selection.

'S' flag in 'highlight' and StatusLineNC highlight group: highlighting for
status line of not-current window.  Default is to use bold for current

Added buffer_name() and buffer_number() functions (Aaron).
Added flags argument "g" to substitute() function (Aaron).
Added winheight() function.

Win32: When an external command starts with "start ", no console is opened
for it (Aaron).

Win32 console: Use termcap codes for bold/reverse based on the current
console attributes.

Configure check for "strip". (Napier)

CTRL-R CTRL-R x in Insert mode: Insert the contents of a register literally,
instead of as typed.

Made a few "No match" error messages more informative by adding the pattern
that didn't match.

"make install" now also copies the macro files.

tools/tcltags, a shell script to generate a tags file from a TCL file.

"--with-tlib" setting for configure.  Easy way to use termlib: "./configure

'u' flag in 'cino' for setting the indent for contained () parts.

When Win32 OLE version can't load the registered type library, ask the user
if he wants to register Vim now. (Erhardt)
Win32 with OLE: When registered automatically, exit Vim.
Included VisVim 1.1b, with a few enhancements and the new icon (Heiko

Added patch from Vince Negri for Win32s support.  Needs to be compiled with
VC 4.1!

Perl interface: Added $curbuf.  Rationalised Buffers() and Windows().
(Moore) Added "group" argument to Msg().

Included Perl files in DOS source archive.  Changed Makefile.bor and
Makefile.w32 to support building a Win32 version with Perl included.

Included new Makefile.w32 from Ken Scott.  Now it's able to make all Win32
versions, including OLE, Perl and Python.

Added CTRL-W g ] and CTRL-W g ^]: split window and do g] or g^].

Added "g]" to always do ":tselect" for the ident under the cursor.
Added ":tjump" and ":stjump" commands.
Improved listing of ":tselect" when tag names are a bit long.

Included patches for the Macintosh version. Also for Python interface.

":buf foo" now also restores cursor column, when the buffer was used before.

Adjusted the Makefile for different final destinations for the syntax files
and scripts (for Debian Linux).

Amiga: $VIM can be used everywhere.  When $VIM is not defined, "VIM:" is
used.  This fixes that "VIM:" had to be assinged for the help files, and
$VIM set for the syntax files.  Now either of these work.

Some xterms send vt100 compatible function keys F1-F4.  Since it's not
possible to detect this, recognize both type of keys and translate them to
<F1> - <F4>.

Added "VimEnter" autocommand.  Executed after loading all the startup stuff.

BeOS version now also runs on Intel CPUs (Seibert).


":ts" changed position in the tag stack when cancelled with <CR>.
":ts" changed the cursor position for CTRL-T when cancelled with <CR>.
":tn" would always jump to the second match.    Was using the wrong entry in
the tag stack.
Doing "tag foo", then ":tselect", overwrote the original cursor postition in
the tag stack.

"make install" changed the vim.1 manpage in a wrong way, causing "doc/doc"
to appear for the documentation files.

When compiled with MAX_FEAT, xterm mouse handling failed.  Was caused by DEC
mouse handling interfering.

Was leaking memory when using selection in X11.

CTRL-D halfway a command line left some characters behind the first line(s)
of the listing.

When expanding directories for ":set path=", put two extra backslashes
before a space in a directory name.

When 'lisp' set, first line of a function would be indented.  Now its indent
is set to zero.  And use the indent of the first previous line that is at
the same () level.  Added test33.

"so<Esc>u" in an empty file didn't work.

DOS: "seek error in swap file write" errors, when using DOS 6.2 share.exe,
because the swap file was made hidden.  It's no longer hidden.

":global" command would sometimes not execute on a matching line.  Happened
when a data block is full in ml_replace().

For AIX use a tgetent buffer of 2048 bytes, instead of 1024.

Win32 gvim now only sets the console size for external commands to 25x80
on Windows 95, not on NT.

Win32 console: Dead key could cause a crash, because of a missing "WINAPI"

The right mouse button started Visual mode, even when 'mouse' is empty, and
in the command line, a left click moved the cursor when 'mouse' is empty.
In Visual mode, 'n' in 'mouse' would be used instead of 'v'.

A blinking cursor or focus change cleared a non-Visual selection.

CTRL-Home and CTRL-End didn't work for MS-DOS versions.

Could include NUL in 'iskeyword', causing a crash when doing insert mode

Use _dos_commit() to flush the swap file to disk for MSDOS 16 bit version.

In mappings, CTRL-H was replaced by the backspace key code.  This caused
problems when it was used as text, e.g. ":map _U :%s/.^H//g<CR>".

":set t_Co=0" was not handled like a normal term.  Now it's translated into
":set t_Co=", which works.

For ":syntax keyword" the "transpararent" option did work, althought not
mentioned in the help.  But synID() returned wrong name.

"gqG" in a file with one-word-per-line (e.g. a dictionary) was very slow and
not interruptable.

"gq" operator inserted screen lines in the wrong situation.  Now screen
lines are inserted or deleted when this speeds up displaying.

cindent was wrong when an "if" contained "((".

'r' flag in 'viminfo' was not used for '%'.  Could get files in the buffer
list from removable media.

Win32 GUI with OLE: if_ole_vc.mak could not be converted into a project.
Hand-edited to fix this...

With 'nosol' set, doing "$kdw" below an empty line positioned the cursor at
the end of the line.

Dos32 version changed "\dir\file" into "/dir/file", to work around a DJGPP
bug.  That bug appears to have been fixed, therefore this translation has
been removed.

"/^*" didn't work (find '*' in first column).

"<afile>" was not always set for autocommands.  E.g., for ":au BufEnter *
let &tags = expand("<afile>:p:h") . "/tags".

In an xterm, the window may be a child of the outer xterm window.  Use the
parent window when getting the title and icon names. (Smith)

When starting with "gvim -bg black -fg white", the value of 'background' is
only set after reading the .gvimrc file.  This causes a ":syntax on" to use
the wrong colors.  Now allow using ":gui" to open the GUI window and set the
colors.  Previously ":gui" in a gvimrc crashed Vim.

tempname() returned the same name all the time, unless the file was actually
created.  Now there are at least 26 different names.

File name used for <afile> was sometimes full path, sometimes file name
relative to current directory.

When 'background' was set after the GUI window was opened, it could change
colors that were set by the user in the .gvimrc file.  Now it only changes
colors that have not been set by the user.

Ignore special characters after a CSI in the GUI version.  These could be
interpreted as special characters in a wrong way. (St-Amant)

Memory leak in farsi code, when using search or ":s" command.
Farsi string reversing for a mapping was only done for new mappings.  Now it
also works for replacing a mapping.

Crash in Win32 when using a file name longer than _MAX_PATH. (Aaron)

When BufDelete autocommands were executed, some things for the buffer were
already deleted (esp. Perl stuff).

Perl interface: Buffer specific items were deleted too soon; fixes "screen
no longer exists" messages.  (Moore)

The Perl functions didn't set the 'modified' flag. did not return an error on exit, which may cause Vim to start
installing, even though there is no executable to install. (Riehm)

Vi incompatibility: In Vi "." redoes the "y" command.  Added the 'y' flag to
'cpoptions'.  Only for 'compatible' mode.

":echohl" defined a new group, when the argument was not an existing group.

"syn on" and ":syn off" could move the cursor, if there is a hidden buffer
that is shorter that the current cursor position.

The " mark was not set when doing ":b file".

When a "nextgroup" is used with "skipwhite" in syntax highlighting, space at
the end of the line made the nextgroup also be found in the next line.

":he g<CTRL-D>", then ":" and backspace to the start didn't redraw.

X11 GUI: "gvim -rv" reversed the colors twice on Sun.  Now Vim checks if the
result is really reverse video (background darker than foreground).

"cat | vim -" didn't set syntax highlighting.

Win32: Expanding "file.sw?" matched ".file.swp".  This is an error of
FindnextFile() that we need to work around.  (Kilgore)

"gqgq" gave an "Invalid lnum" error on the last line.
Formatting with "gq" didn't format the first line after a change of comment

There was no check for out-of-memory in win_alloc().

"vim -h" didn't mention "-register" and "-unregister" for the OLE version.

Could not increase 'cmdheight' when the last window is only one line.  Now
other windows are also made smaller, when necessary.

Added a few {} to avoid "suggest braces around" warnings from gcc 2.8.x.
Changed return type of main() from void to int. (Nam)

Using '~' twice in a substitute pattern caused a crash.

"syn on" and ":syn off" could scroll the window, if there is a hidden buffer
that is shorter that the current cursor position.

":if 0 | if 1 | endif | endif" didn't work.  Same for ":while" and "elseif".

With two windows on modified files, with 'autowrite' set, cursor in second
window, ":qa" gave a warning for the file in the first window, but then
auto-wrote the file in the second window. (Webb)

Win32 GUI scrollbar could only handle 32767 lines.  Also makes the
intellimouse wheel use the configurable number of scrolls. (Robinson)
When using 'patchmode', and the backup file is on another partition, the file
copying messed up the write-file message.

GUI X11: Alt-Backspace and Alt-Delete didn't work.

"`0" could put the cursor after the last character in the line, causing
trouble for other commands, like "i".

When completing tags in insert mode with ^X^], some matches were skipped,
because the compare with other tags was wrong.  E.g., when "mnuFileSave" was
already there, "mnuFile" would be skipped. (Negri)

When scrolling up/down, a syntax item with "keepend" didn't work properly.
Now the flags are also stored for the syntax state a the start of each line.

When 'ic' was changed while 'hlsearch' is on, there was no redraw to show the

Win32 GUI: Don't display "No write since last chance" in a message box, but in
the Vim window.

This combination of bytes forms a message written to you by Wichert Akkerman.

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