"Yann" == Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yann>  ...that reminds me... does anybody knows what has happened to
Yann> the periodic WNPP listing ?  This kind of package really needs a
Yann> new maintainer !  Well, IMHO, at least...  Maybe I'll volunteer,
Yann> but not right now... anyway it's too late for hamm :(

It is maintained, actually: the version on the master ftp site and the
debian website is updated daily, and the one at
http://www.debian.org/~johnie/ sometimes even more often (whenever
something changes).  Our mailing lists are agressively scanned for
things that would affect the WNPP database, and yes, even vacations
are tracked.

But until now theres been little pressure to write the perl for email
output, instead of HTML.  ;-)

For the curious, today's statistics of the vast WNPP database:

    Maintainer Wanted:      25      Being Adopted:      46
     Orphaned Package:      58   Being Debianized:     121
  Withdrawn from Dist:      17

 Override File Errors:      27
    Stuck in Incoming:      17        On Vacation:       8

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 \__,_|\___|_.__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|   \_/\_/ |_| |_| .__/| .__/ 
   Debian Linux: 1,875 Packages and Growing     |_|   |_|

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