On Sat, Oct 03, 1998 at 08:37:12AM -0500, dsb3 wrote:
> >> I think we already went through this discussion a short while back.
> >> Unless I'm missing something new, it was pretty much decided that the
> >> memory overhead of bzip2 was too great for low-mem or slow PCs to handle.
> >
> >It'd STILL be nice to be able to use bzip2 for package source on REALLY BIG
> >packages (Mozilla, X)
> very good point!  those users with slow / low mem machines are less likely
> to be installing these packages anyway!  Perhaps we could compromise by
> saying that anyone running these on a slow machine will be patient anyway
> and can deal with the extra slowness and disk thrashing of using bzip2?

Old/slow/lomem machines can't properly compile X or Mozilla anyway.

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