Marcus Brinkmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> We can put everything in /bin and make /sbin a link to /bin.
> This way the utilities the FHS liste can be found in /sbin, but there
> physical place is elsewhere. This does not violate the standard.
> (The Hurd has a symlink from /usr to /, this way everything is in /bin and
> /sbin, this doesn't violate the FHS either).

i'm no expert on capabilites, but won't their addition null the need for
sbin directories? i mean, you could have a uid that can bring up interfaces,
but not halt the machine. or even, halt the machine but not alter partition

also, i don't know how comitted debian is to using capabilites. either way,
'insmod asbestos_underware'.

jacob kuntz

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