On Sat, 2004-03-20 at 21:52, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Sajith VK]
> > The instruction to set apt-source for skolelinux at
> > http://developer.skolelinux.no/apt-kilde.html.en, refers to contrib
> > and non-free. Is they are mandatory for upgrading skolelinux? I mean
> > is there any non-free package in skolelinux?
> Yes, there are a few.  Java opera and forms are the one I remember at
> the moment.  
A really disappointing news........
Is removing non-free softwares in our TODO list
so that we can expect a "free" version in the future?

Also why softwares like opera is still included when
we have enough and more and more free rowsers are available?

"Use spread and enrich free software"
"Freedom Matters"
Sajith VK

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