Le jeudi 22 septembre 2011 à 17:59 +0100, Iain Lane a écrit : 
> I've been working recently on upgrading libproxy to 0.47, the latest
> upstream. 

Seriously, don’t do that.

The 0.3 series was already broken, and the 0.4 one is even worse. They
reimplemented again a non-standards-compliant HTTP parser, instead of
using an existing one. This library as a whole is a bucket of fail.

We need to rip the interesting parts from it and put them in
glib-networking, using libsoup for the HTTP parts and libjscore for JS
parsing. Any approach that keeps libproxy in the archive is doomed to
produce gazillions of bugs.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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