
given the poor state of our desktop package management tools in squeeze,
and the number of unknown variables when it comes to wheezy, I’d like to
propose to gather around in a dedicated Debian sprint on this topic. We
should be able to get funding from the project for such a task.

Schedule could include: 
      * Upstream and Debian state of synaptic, update-*, aptdaemon,
        software-center, PackageKit and related packages 
      * What features we want to expose on our desktop environments (use
        cases, interaction scenarios) 
      * Which tools to focus on to provide these features for wheezy 
      * Trying to envision what features we want in wheezy+1 and how to
        make this happen 
      * Initial common hacking session to get wheezy on the right tracks

How many of you would be interested in such a meeting?

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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