On 18.01.2012 10:37, Miles Bader wrote:
> How can I stop gnome 3 from auto-mounting USB devices when they are
> inserted?  [e.g. I plug my ipod into the computer with a USB cable]
> This didn't happen before I upgraded to gnome 3, and gnome is popping up
> a big dialog asking what want to do, so I guess it has something to do
> with gnome3.
> [I never want anything auto-mounted, ever.]

$ gsettings list-recursively | grep mount
org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount true
org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false

If you want to hide/ignore particular devices/partitions, you can do
that via udev rules, e.g. I have:
$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hide-partitions.rules

You can use arbitrary rules to refine the match for the device.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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