Le 02/04/2012 03:51, Paul Wise a écrit :
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 3:48 AM, Jean-Christophe Dubacq wrote:
>> Every now and then I am revisiting the "default group" issue for my
>> lab's gnome desktop. I recently built a new image, and last time (a few
>> years ago), I found that in fact very few groups were required to be
>> added to each user (plugdev and fuse and pulse-rt, IIRC).
>> However, http://wiki.debian.org/DebianDesktopHowTo lists many more of
>> these groups: audio, plugdev, camera, video, floppy, cdrom, tape and
>> maybe scanner, fax, dip (for "dial-ip", ppp connections to Internet with
>> pon/poff as set up by pppconfig) or dialout (full serial ports/modem
>> access).
>> Has anyone knowledge of wether these groups could be useful in some
>> cases that I didn't foresee or couldn't test? I do not think any of
>> these are still useful (but I do not own a camera, and I am not sure how
>> one can see whether pulse-rt is useful or not). Sincerly,
> These days upstreams (inc GNOME) are moving from adding groups to
> using ConsoleKit and PolicyKit so I suggest ignoring all the groups
> since most of them are legacy.
I tried it, and apparently fuse is still required (for example, to sync
tomboy notes by ssh). I just wait for somebody with a USB key to test
whether plugdev is still necessary.

I am still pondering if I add these groups through adduser or to
/etc/security/group.conf. I did not find a way to mix fuse permissions
and policykit or consolekit.

Jean-Christophe Dubacq

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