Am 06.04.2013 12:38, schrieb Arief M Utama:
> Hi all,
> Been trying gnome-3.8 packages that is starting to available in
> experimental.

> Aside from the missing of network configuration from the control-center, my
> biggest annoyance with the new version is the missing of suspend ability.

> Aside from using gnome-3.8 packages, I also used systemd, network-manager
> and latest dbus and libc from experimental.
> Any ideas ? Please cc me on replies, not subscribed to the list.

The systemd version currently available in wheezy/unstable is too old
and doesn't provide the necessary suspend functionality.
We are working on a updated systemd package. Sorry for the inconvenience
in the mean time.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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