I've just installed Debian GNU/Hurd 2023 again, using a simpler Qemu script
with IDE disk and cdrom.
It works without problem

This is my script, using a 20G qcow image.

If I ever need to add a cdrom    echo "running ssh"qemu-system-i386 -s -m
$MEMORY                                 \                     -hda $FILE \
                   -cdrom $CDROM \                     -smp 8
                       \                     -boot d
               \                     -net
user,hostfwd=tcp:     \                     -net
nic,model=e1000                      \                     -enable-kvm
                             \                     -no-shutdown \
           -no-reboot \                     -vga std \
 -display gtk;#+END_SRC*

Maybe the Sergey problem can be in the image's big size, so much bigger
than the mine, but i'm not sure.

If I got time, I will try to install in real hardware, to check if there
are any problem there.

I expect that info are useful

El jue, 15 jun 2023 a las 0:27, Samuel Thibault (<samuel.thiba...@gnu.org>)

> Almudena Garcia, le mer. 14 juin 2023 21:25:32 +0200, a ecrit:
> > Due to rumpdisk, I use a raw image, because the installer, using
> rumpdisk,
> > doesn't detect fine the qcow2 image.
> Uh? That's terribly odd: raw vs qcow is supposed to be a host-only
> thing, and not have any actual effect on the guest... Possibly it could
> even be a qemu bug. It's worth investigating at least.
> Samuel

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