tags -1 moreinfo

Quoting Jan Stolarek (fremenz...@poczta.onet.pl):
> Package: debian-i18n
> Severity: minor
> Tags: l10n
> Dear Maintainer,
> Sans Serif font shipped with Debian does not correctly render Polish letter ż 
> (z with a dot above it). With font sizes 13 or smaller and italics the letter 
> is rendered as z with a vertical bar over it (instead of just a dot). This 
> problem appears in Wheezy but I've also seen it in the installer of Jessie.

Well, thanks for taking care to report this, but:
Which font? In what desktop environment?

This bug report should be assigned to the package providing this font,
not blindly to "debian-i18n", I'm afraid. And without knowing what
font we're taking about, there's little that can be done.

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