
Il 30/04/2018 19:22, Emmanuel Bourg ha scritto:
> I've moved the geogebra repository, could you check if it's ok?
>   https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/geogebra

It is, thank you!

> I think I'll just complete the mass migration myself, but I'll need help
> afterward to check if everything is ok (like missing or empty
> repositories). I'll also need help to migrate the ~60 packages still in
> Subversion.

I can help to check, at least for my packages. I can also check others,
but maybe will not be as good as spotting problems.

For svn, I think I can help, although if you already have a list (as
Markus asked) that would help.

BTW, this recalls me that libjgrapht0.8 (which is my only package still
on svn) is probably in the need of some dust removal. Debian also ships
libjgrapht0.6 as a separate source package. Both are terribly old, since
upstream has released 1.1.0. However, I am a bit unsure on how to handle
this situation: I do not know much the API remained stable between 0.6,
0.6 and 1.1.0 and thus how to manage the update causing the least
inconvenience possible. I also have a similar problem with
libstax2-api-java and libwoodstox-java. Maybe it is better to wait for
the end of the migration, but if someone could at some point enlighten
me on the best practices, I would be grateful.

Thanks, Giovanni.
Giovanni Mascellani <g.mascell...@gmail.com>
Postdoc researcher - Université Libre de Bruxelles

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