Could I help ? Although I am just a humble non-Debian packager.


Op 26-07-2020 om 22:33 schreef Shmerl:
Om Tue, 07 Jul 2020 08:20:48 -0700 Scarlett Moore wrote:
> Again, help is gladly accepted as long as it is quality work
> and not just a changelog entry..
> Thanks, Scarlett

Hi Scarlett!

If I understand correctly, it's primarily you alone working now on updating Plasma packages in Debian unstable / testing? If so, thanks for your work! Did you manage to use//Norbert's
submissions after all? He said his merge requests are still available.

It would be really great for KDE/Debian users if this could be resolved positively and in the manner that's productive and allows collaboration. This really needs to move forward, there
are simply not enough resources not to share such efforts.

Best regards,


Luc Castermans

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