Hello Aurélien

Thank you for this message. I will install and test it.


Op di 24 jan. 2023 om 01:33 schreef Aurélien COUDERC <couc...@coucouf.fr>:

> Dear all,
> I've just uploaded Plasma 5.27 beta to *unstable*.
> We usually keep beta versions in experimental but this one is our target
> for bookworm and I want to give it maximum exposure with the bookworm
> freeze starting already.
> I've been using it for a couple of days without major issue by YMMV of
> course, it's beta software still.
> Feel free to not update or hold Plasma packages if you don't want to use
> the beta. I'll upload the final 5.27.0 as soon as it's released, so on Feb
> 14. or close to that.
> If you're interested, have a look at our Bookworm plans at [0] for more
> context if you haven't already.
> Also if you have time, now would be a good time testing bullseye ->
> bookworm upgrades with the Plasma desktop installed and report anything
> broken (on spare machines / VMs obviously, NOT on systems you need to rely
> on).
> [0] https://wiki.debian.org/PkgQtKde/BookwormReleasePlans
> Happy hacking !
> --
> Aurélien

Luc Castermans

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