yep. i was lucky indeed. Only i had to repair a SSL package. LibreOffice got 
upgraded but i was okay with that


Martin Steigerwald <> schreef op 19 mei 2023 07:45:13 UTC:
>Luc Castermans - 19.05.23, 09:38:23 CEST:
>> On one machine I performed a
>> apt upgrade -t experimental
>Without limiting the set of packages to upgrade? If so, you likely have 
>installed all packages from experimental, possibly including some that 
>are really experimental. One may argue whether experimental is the right 
>place for bug fix updates during the release cycle, but it is used that 
>way. However outside of release cycle it is used for test versions of 
>software. So you may have installed all kinds of funny and really 
>unstable stuff on your system.
>Don't do that!
>I'd never ever do that. I posted the exact aptitude call for a reason.
>However maybe I am going to refrain from posting the exact commands 
>again, so that people need to figure it out themselves and learn about 
>the possible consequences.
>Anyway, you get you keep the pieces if anything breaks.
>> After which I needed to make few corrections on non-KDE related
>> packages. The machine is running fine!!
>As far as you can see after just a few minutes.

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