
I found that the best way to build a Debian live cd for a specific system,
is to use Qemu (or another virtual machine software) and set the
architecture in Qemu for that specific live cd build.  Then, install a
system that has the kernel version that you will use on the live cd.  This
way you can build images for the different architectures on the same
machine.  Just know you have to have a lot of RAM on your host machine.  I
have 2GB so this solution works fine in my case.

This isn't a bug.  You cannot use a chroot environment and have APT know
about it to install a different kernel from what is on the machine.   In
other words, if you drop into an interactive shell during the live build and
type 'uname -a', it is the same as the outside of the chroot.  APT doesn't
know the difference.  (Or am I wrong?)

-Brent Earl

> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> config/chroot:LH_LINUX_FLAVOURS="amd64"
> >
> > so that's why ;)
> >
> >> lh_config should default this variable in concordance with -a option.
> >
> > defaults are only set, if the variable is empty (so, in order words,
> > defaults for this variable are already aware of -a).
> Looks like not. I have just done
> lh_config -a i386 -d etch -p minimal
> that means (i understand it like that):
> I want a i386 livecd with minimal debian.
> but lh_config did a i386 livecd with x86_64 kernel.
> in other words, lh_config populate LH_LINUX_FLAVOURS with my running
> kernel, even if i ask for an i386 architecture. For me it's a bug. As
> default (without -k option) the selected kernel should match architecture.
> >
> > i think we can close the bug now?
> I don't think so, but you are the maintener.
> --
> yves
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