Here's the state of persistence, to the best of my knowledge:

live-snapshot (live-sn, home-sn): BROKEN

  Cannot be used to make live-sn or home-sn snapshots, e.g.

  $ sudo live-snapshot -d /dev/hda1
  live-snapshot: option requires an argument -- d

live-rw: BROKEN

  If you create an ext2 partition labelled "live-rw" and boot "persistent"
  it will be detected and a snapshot of the /cow will be saved at shutdown,
  but it will be corrupted (due to errors during the shutdown?) which forces
  a fsck on the next reboot and/or kernel panic.  Even if you boot without
  "persistent" to fix the corrupt filesystem and then reboot with "persistent",
  the kernel still panics.

home-rw: works

I am told that in etch, live-rw (casper-rw?) works with casper.

If you want to be a hero, please help make persistence work. I get several
queries about this per week on irc but have not had the time to do anything
about it myself.

 \`'  Debian    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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