eno wrote:
> Well, I wonder why the USB-image builds into ./chroot, while the 
> ISO-Image does not... However, if it only worked.

all images are 'put together' inside the chroot; in case of the usb
image, this is done by a loop-mount, in case of the iso image this is
done by mkisofs called from within the chroot.

(you can turn of this behaviour by setting LH_CHROOT_BUILD=disabled; but
you really, really never want to do that - this way you taint your live
system with the host system)

> Well, the article is due to be 
> published in the next issue of PC-Welt Linux. You might be well aware 
> that PC-Welt Linux' target audience is quite different from linux 
> magazin's, though.

yeah, probably, though I never have read PC-Welt so far, but I'm tempted
to do so for the next issue.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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