> Otavio Salvador wrote:
> > Jesse, can you update it using my tree as reference so I can merge
> > your patch when I start to merge my pending fixes for a31?
> jesse, do you have a git tree where i can merge from, or do you prefere
> me to apply the patch manually?

Here is a new cut of the exposed root patch rebased off the current
head. Let me know if there are any changes you would like to see before
it gets merged.

commit deac4cd3cf66f67d43ea072c1b0c35101f4769bf
Author: Jesse Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Tue Oct 23 16:56:43 2007 -0400

    add exposedroot option which exposes the root fs as ro
    This option allows you to expose the root read only.  Using
    this option a person could upgrade the root filesystem or
    add packages without requiring the user to reboot. The root
    filesystem could be kept on an nfs volume or some other
    persistent medium. Multiple clients could then be booted off
    the same root fs. I used LTSP as a template to determine which
    directories to make rw.

git://lifesaver.mbuki-mvuki.org/live-helper.git exposedroot:

commit ce428ebd5b1244a66efc0c99a57779cd39dbbd48
Author: Jesse Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Tue Oct 23 16:57:19 2007 -0400

    add support for exposedroot option for live-helper

git://lifesaver.mbuki-mvuki.org/live-initramfs.git exposedroot:


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