Fails to create an .img. I think this is the part where things go wrong:

!!! The following error/warning messages can be ignored !!!
P: Mounting /dev/loop2 with offset 0
Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition
/dev/loop2p1 -- Invalid argument.  This means Linux won't know about any
changes you made to /dev/loop2p1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't
mount it or use it in any way before rebooting.
Warning: The kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on
/dev/loop2 (Invalid argument).  This means Linux won't know anything
about the modifications you made until you reboot.  You should reboot
your computer before doing anything with /dev/loop2.
Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition
/dev/loop2p1 -- Invalid argument.  This means Linux won't know about any
changes you made to /dev/loop2p1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't
mount it or use it in any way before rebooting.
Warning: The kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on
/dev/loop2 (Invalid argument).  This means Linux won't know anything
about the modifications you made until you reboot.  You should reboot
your computer before doing anything with /dev/loop2.
P: Mounting /dev/loop2 with offset 512
mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)
Loop device does not match a floppy size, using default hd params
Can't open /proc/8957/fd/3: No such file or directory
Cannot initialize 'S:'
Bad target s:ldlinux.sys
P: Begin mounting /dev/pts...
P: Begin mounting /proc...
P: Begin mounting /sys...

Any ideas?

I did try on another machine. Different results:

Selecting previously deselected package syslinux.
Unpacking syslinux (from .../syslinux_1%3a3.31-4_i386.deb) ...
Setting up mtools (3.9.10.ds1-3) ...

Setting up dosfstools (2.11-2.1+b1) ...
Setting up libparted1.7-1 (1.7.1-5.1) ...

Setting up parted (1.7.1-5.1) ...
Setting up syslinux (3.31-4) ...
182+0 records in
182+0 records out
190840832 bytes (191 MB) copied, 1.69179 seconds, 113 MB/s
!!! The following error/warning messages can be ignored !!!
P: Begin mounting /dev/pts...
P: Begin mounting /proc...
P: Begin mounting /sys...
argo:~/live/config-webc/mini% ls
binary/  cache/  chroot/  config/
argo:~/live/config-webc/mini% find . -name \*.img
find: ./cache/stages_bootstrap/var/spool/cron/crontabs: Permission
find: ./chroot/root/.aptitude: Permission denied
find: ./chroot/dev/snd: Permission denied
find: ./chroot/var/spool/cron/crontabs: Permission denied

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