On Nov 13, 2007 10:50 PM, Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Creel wrote:
> > I need to figure out how to have the live CD image nfs mount /home. To
> > be exact, I need to execute "mount /home"
> > in a way so that this is not subsequently undone by the normal
> > creation of /home/user.
> i did some time ago change the fstab handling, so that live-initramfs by
> default just appends to an already existing fstab, rather than skipping
> it when it's not empty (fstab manipulation can be disabled entirely with
> nofstab, if desired).
> unfortunately, within a recent larger patch to live-helper some weeks
> ago, it got broken.
> however, now it's fixed again. you need to use the latest git snapshots
> for live-helper as well as live-initramfs, available from
> http://live.debian.net/debian-snapshots/:
> echo " /home nfs defaults 0 0" > chroot/etc/fstab
> additionally, if you want to avoid the default user creation, you can
> use nosudo as bootparameter (or even make it permanet through
> LH_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE="nosudo" in config/binary.
> --
> Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
> Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/
> _______________________________________________

Thanks for the pointers. What I'm trying to achieve what
parallelknoppix does. The live CD needs to work in 2 modes - frontend
or compute node. It needs to determine which mode to use at boot by
some method. Currently, PK checks if the output of "ifconfig" contains
"192.168.0". If so, the CD is a compute node, otherwise, it's the
frontend. Another method is to check if the output of "mount" contains
"", since the frontend node has that IP address, and the
compute nodes have PXE booted using files served from the master node.
If it's a yes, the node is a compute node, otherwise it's the

So, the frontend node needs to have a customized home directory. What
I would prefer to do is have this in a compressed file, say
pkhome.bz2, and have the live CD uncompress this at some point to use
as the home of the default user. Adding a script that does this into
does not work - the ordinary default /home/user appears to be copied
over it - I'm not certain what goes wrong.

Perhaps I'm pursuing this by the wrong means. The FAQ item 14 states
"Change everything you need (e.g. add icons to desktop, change
background, set preferences). Compress and copy the /home/user from
the live system to your host (using tools like scp). Include that
directory under config/chroot_local-includes.

In that directory you must have a ./home/casper directory structure.
After that, it is necessary to make the correct owner start KDE. "

Can you please spell this out in more detail? Is there some particular
type of compression to use, some required filename for the compressed
home dir? What is a ./home/casper directory structure?

OK, that's what the frontend node needs. Then when the frontend is
running, /home will be nfs exported. When a compute node boots, it
needs to nfs mount /home. I think that a script placed in
 would be a way to achieve this.

Thanks, Michael

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