El Wednesday 05 December 2007 08:56:55 Tzafrir Cohen escribió:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 08:25:42AM +0100, René Mérou wrote:
> > Is it a problem of my config?
> Any chance you have mysql server running on your system and the mysql
> server on the chroot fails to bind to port 3306?

I did not changed the mysql or the port or nothig at all.   the entire dir is 
the same, just changed one image for the desktop and deleted some files 
inclueded in last dvd to be excluded from the next binary.

It seems to me a bug with  mysql, but im not sure.

If i install one mysql at the last dvd, and now, lh_build finds it must be 
changed to one new package of mysql , it can be the origen of the problem.

I think i must try to make lh_clean --all and then lh_build.

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