2008/2/20, Thomas H. George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> You're right - it works perfectly.  On my first try I defined
> MKSQUASHFS_OPTIONS but I failed to export it.
> Tom
Yep, :), current temporary fix is to do:
lh_config (... your parameters here ...) && export MKSQUASHFS_OPTIONS="-b
64K -no-sparse" && time nice --adjustment=1 lh_build

By the way, I just installed
and I built an image with it (using the MKSQUASHFS_OPTIONS trick above). The
image boots, but I've noticed syslinux doesn't show its graphical "Debian
Live" splash.rle boot logo. It used to show up with previous version of
live-helper from http://live.debian.net/debian-snapshots/

Pierre Bauduin
Linux enthusiast since 1996
Linux registered user #64711
Debian GNU/Linux user
debian-live-devel mailing list

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