Josh Lawrence wrote:
> hardbop200:/home/josh/livecd# lh_config && lh_build
> P: Begin caching bootstrap stage...
> P: Begin bootstrapping system...
> W: skipping bootstrap

it skips bootstrapping because you're running in a directory where you
have already done something before with lh.

run lh_clean --purge and re-build from scratch please.

> P: Begin caching bootstrap stage...
> P: Begin caching chroot stage...
> P: Begin mounting /dev/pts...
> P: Begin mounting /proc...
> P: Begin mounting /sys...
> P: Configuring file /etc/debian_chroot
> /usr/bin/lh_chroot_debianchroot: line 54: chroot/etc/debian_chroot: No
> such file or directory

because it has skipped bootstrapping, it couldn't configure stuff in
chroot afterwards.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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