Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
On Donnerstag 08 Mai 2008, Daniel Baumann wrote:
Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
I included the Debian installer and used it inside vmware. When finished
it drops me in a login shell.
if you use 'regular' d-i, then regular d-i is what you get, means, you
end up with the same d-i behaviour as on the debian install cds. so no
surprise there.

Is there any way to tell it to install exactly
like on the CD (like GUI , XFCE setup ) ?
if you set LH_DEBIAN_INSTALLER=live, then it will use the live-installer
udeb inside d-i, making d-i installing the squashfs to the hd rather
than bootstraping the regular way from .deb packages. however, it is
said that there are still some glitches there and then when using
live-installer, don't expect it working yet but you're encouraged to try
it, and report bugs and send patches.

I set LH_DEBIAN_INSTALLER=live. The resulting iso is a lot smaller then when using the original d-i. The CD works ok for the live part but does not react to typing "install" at the boot prompt.
I have the exact problem building ArtistX (Sid repositories). What should happen using the LH_DEBIAN_INSTALLER=live option? Should we see a Install button on the desktop?

Following my last mail I verified that a clean build (only added to a gnome-core base iceweasel and icedove) won't boot into X except under Vmware, VirtualBox or other virtualization software. On physical computers I get an [EMAIL PROTECTED] prompt and only a startx or sudo gdm will start Gnome.

Any other experiencing this? I will try on Testing today and let you know if this is Sid-related.


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