
Daniel Baumann <daniel.baum...@progress-technologies.net> (2015-04-28):
> Steve,
> I'm rather unhappy about seeing local modifications done on top of
> live-images here:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-cd/pettersson-live.git/tree/available/run-30live-build

Yes, it's always upsetting when people fix bugs or improve software,

> please don't do that and either tell us about things you find out, or
> even commit them directly to the debian-next branch of live-images in
> the first place (that branch is world-writable, see live-manual for
> instructions).

Surely you can live with waiting a few days for people actually caring
about Debian releases to sit back after intense work, and push their
patches upstream a little bit after that.


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