close 798163 4.0.4-1

On 09/06/2015 01:03 PM, Bob wrote:
> This bug was already submitted in Feb 2015 but was incorrectly assigned
> as fixed.

i don't think so.

the bug in question has been fixed in a later version of live-build 4.x,
namely 4.0.4-1. thus this bug is, once again, versioned-closed
appropriatly. this means that the bug shows as closed for unstable, but
is still open for jessie.

now, for jessie, we're not going to fix that since we do only criticial
fixes in core functionality since stable updates have to go through the
release team for review. hdd images are not core functionality.
therefore, please either use the latest 4.x or 5.x version where this
bug has been fixed. both versions can be installed as-is (without
rebuild) on jessie.


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