Thorsten --

Thank you for your message and apologies for this delayed reply.  
Depending on where I am, I use three different clients to view e-mail one 
of which does not give me the opportunity to mark e-mails as Unread to be 
read again later on a friendlier client.  After seeing your message 
there, I overlooked it later with the volume of e-mail in my Inbox.  Mea 

More comments below - look for [KSB3].

-- Bhaskar

On 08/02/2011 01:55 PM, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> Hi Bhaskar,
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, Bhaskar, K.S wrote:
[KSB3] <...snip...>
> >        Even though they are compiled from the same source code, the 32-
> > and 64-bit binaries of GT.M are different and packaged & installed
> > separately.
> Yes, but in case I want to create the 32-bit version on a 64-bit CPU, I 
> need
> to call make twice and do a 'setenv OBJECT_MODE 32' in between, right?
[KSB3] That is correct.
> > Why do you say that you don't expect anyone to run GT.M on arm?
> While working with ARM processors there have been always resource problems
> sooner or later. But you are right, I didn't thought about those things
> you mentioned. So we need a bootstrap for arm :-).
[KSB3] I agree wholeheartedly!
> > [KSB2] Someone installing a new version would choose the latest release.
> > But we have users who distribute applications on top of GT.M.  They may
> > have a periodic repackage / release cycle, and if they are running
> > stably, there is less work for them to do to continue using an existing
> > GT.M version until their next cycle.
> Ok, but we are talking about the distribution via Debian/Ubuntu or
> whatever derivate. So if someone has another application that depends on
> one release, then of course due to this dependency this release won't be
> deleted. If someone uses Debian as a basis and adds his own stuff before
> distributing it, he should either announce this fact and the needed
> release won't be deleted. Or he does his own thing and uses "his" release
> in any way.
> So I don't see any problem that unused releases might be deleted in a new
> Debian release. In this case deleting doesn't mean that the packages
> disappears. All of the next 23 releases will remain in the archive and can
> be used!
> > If GT.M is unfriendly to other UTF-8 locales, I definitelyt want to know
> > so that we can fix it.  If GT.M requires en_US.utf8 that may be
> > unfriendly, and we'll consider what we can do about it.
> There are severeal lines like:
>   utflocale=`locale -a | grep -i en_us ...`
> in configure and later there is a test:
>    if [ $utflocale = "" ]; then
> or:
>    if [ "$found_icu" -ne 0  -a "$utflocale" != "" ] ; then
>       doutf8=1
>    else
>       doutf8=0
>    fi
> May I say that this is an unfriendly behaviour?
[KSB] We will look into this.  To support UTF-8 mode, GT.M requires a 
.utf8 locale, any utf8 locale, except on z/OS where it requires 
en_US.utf8 because of certain platform dependencies.  The configure 
script is old and this part of it has probably not been looked at for a 
long time.  Perhaps the Debian package will not even need it.

But, if you look at the (newer) gtmprofile script that a user would 
source to set up a GT.M environment, notice that it uses the first 
available utf8 locale.  For example, on my laptop, even though I am in 
the US:

kbhaskar@bhaskarks:~$ gtm_chset=UTF-8 /usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.4-002B_x86/gtm

GTM>write $ztrnlnm("LC_CTYPE")

I have to explicitly set en_US.utf8 to get it:

kbhaskar@bhaskarks:~$ LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8 gtm_chset=UTF-8 

GTM>write $ztrnlnm("LC_CTYPE")

History is what history is - we try to do better today than we did 
yesterday. and we'll try to do better tomorrow than we do today.
> There is another issue. After updating my sid machine it wasn't possible
> to build the package from sources. It says something about missing
> include file. Other packages replaced the -I- with -iquote which does not
> work in your case. After adding the attached patch, everything was fine 
> again.
[KSB3] This was on our list of things to do.  I know that the changes are 
small, but since GT.M is built from a highly common code base across a 
wide variety of platforms and released under a variety of licenses, both 
free / open source (e.g., GT.M for Linux on x86) and proprietary (e.g,. 
GT.M for proprietary UNIX flavors), would you please make a statement 
that you make no claim of copyright to the patch?  Thank you very much.

GT.M - Rock solid. Lightning fast. Secure. No compromises.


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