Le Wed, 3 Aug 2011 08:26:05 +0200,
Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> a écrit :

> On Mon, 01 Aug 2011, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> > Indeed symbol ordering may vary, but also there is no reason for 
> > dpkg-gensymbols
> > to guarantee a particular ordering.
> Well, dpkg-gensymbols does sort the symbols files. Precisely so that
> diff are meaningful. Otherwise they would be useless.
> Code extract:
>         foreach my $sym (sort { $a->get_symboltempl() cmp
>                                 $b->get_symboltempl() } @symbols) {
> What this means is that the symbols files provided by the package is not
> properly sorted...

What do your mean exactly by sorted ?

sorted  using the 'sort' program ?
sorted like the un-mangled symbols ?

> That said the generated diff should not always be applied as is. In many
> cases if you have used tags and patterns in your symbols files, adding a
> new symbol requires some "post-processing" to make it fit with the way the
> symbols file is managed.

Yes I understood, that this patch should not be applyied as it.
Maybe the patch should add MISSING and ADDED symbols.
then it would be the maintainer responsability to properly tag thoses 
new/missing symbols.

> For example deactivating a symbol on a specific architecture requires fiddling
> with an arch tag rather than removing the symbol...

It means also that if I use #include it is no more possible to use the patch
right ?

See you


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