Beren Minor <> writes:

> There is indeed one shared library in the package, located in
> usr/lib/gemrb/. The library is only meant to be used by the game
> executable, and that's why it is located here. The executable does not
> need any help from ldconfig as it has its rpath pointing directly to
> usr/lib/gemrb. I think that this unusual location is why lintian
> complains about useless ldconfig. When I move the library to usr/lib,
> the lintian warnings go away (although some other appear)

Yes, indeed, this would be the problem.

> I can either:
> - exclude usr/lib/gemrb from dh_makeshlibs

I would do this.  If the library is not a public API that should be used
by other projects, then having out it ouf /usr/lib is probably the right
decision (particularly if that's what upstream does by default).  So just
telling dh_makeshlibs to ignore it is the correct path forward.

Note that this only works if the only binaries linked with that shared
library are built from the same source package.  If you have to link with
that shared library across source packages, you may want to consider a
different approach.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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