Hi David.
 Good timing. I needed to update everybody on the status.
 I now have allocation for two full time permanent hires for Debian MIPS
work in my group, and will be placing those job adverts on the imgtec web
site as soon as I can (in the next few days), and posting those links to
the debian-jobs mailing list.
 I also have allocation for MIPS native build hardware. I need to discuss
the present situation of the MIPS hardware within Debian, and how we can
proceed to improve that situation. I've not identified who within Debian I
need to discuss this with - if anybody could point me in the right
direction or contact me directly then that would be very appreciated.
 In the interim a couple of my team should be contacting the Debian Release
Team so we can resource MIPS for jessie whilst we get the new team formed
and up to speed.


On 24 September 2013 15:25, David Kuehling <dvdkh...@posteo.de> wrote:

> [added CC to debian-mips, please don't shoot me for cross-posting]
> >>>>> "Graham" == Graham Whaley <graham.wha...@gmail.com> writes:
> >  I need to update you on the state of Debian support commitment within
> > Imagination, particularly in light of the plight of MIPS support for
> > jessie.
> >  Having become aware of this situation, I am working internally to
> > accelerate Imaginations existing Debian support group plans. This will
> > cover both engineering resource and hardware availability. It will
> > take a few days for us to work this through, and as soon as I have
> > some news I will post to this list.
> Hi Graham,
> nice to hear that there is somebody still interested in Debian-mips.
> Already started thinking I'd end up with a non-supported software for my
> MIPS hardware in the long-run.
> [..]
> > For those of you who wish to do some mips/mipsel work or testing
> > (thanks :-), but are short of hardware, I'll see what I can do there
> > as well. Let me know if you are interested
> Given the seemingly dormant interest in Debian MIPS I'll see whether I
> can allocate more time myself to help with porting and fixing.  I'm
> already eying Loongson-3A based hardware (heard that Lemote has Mini-ITX
> boards available) to replace/augment my Fuloong 6004 system.
> For MIPS-enthusiasts: tekmote is currently selling quadcore MIPS64
> notebooks for <600 EUR:
> http://www.tekmote.nl/epages/61504599.sf/nl_NL/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61504599/Products/CFL-008
> IMO without a Debian MIPS64 port, Debian won't be viable for high end
> MIPS equipment before soon, and is going to loose a lot of interested
> developers.
> cheers,
> David
> --
> GnuPG public key: http://dvdkhlng.users.sourceforge.net/dk2.gpg
> Fingerprint: B63B 6AF2 4EEB F033 46F7  7F1D 935E 6F08 E457 205F

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