Hi Garie,

On Thu, 27 Feb 2020 11:16:20 -0600 "GMiller" <gmill...@startmail.com> wrote:
> Hello:
> I hereby request permission to try to package fdk-aac 2.0.1. This 
> package also includes  libfdk-aac-dev, which currently references 
> Bug#915386.
> My motivation for joining the Multimedia Team is solely the completion 
> of another Debian Bug#907576. I do not foresee much involvement with 
> the Multimedia Team beyond maintaining fdk-aac. 907576 requires the 
> newer libfdk-aac-dev 2.0.0, and thus my request to join you.
> My prior experience in Debian is limited to working on Bug#907576 for 
> another team. Note that I am not an official Debian Maintainer on any 
> Team.
> As instructed by your 'How to Join' page, I have created a Salsa 
> account and subscribed to the Multimedia mailing list. I have 
> previously filed a few Debian bugs. As for reviewing others work, I do 
> not believe I am qualified.
> I have previously read most of the Debian packaging procedures while 
> working on Bug907576. I am currently digesting the contents of the 
> Multimedia Teams 'DevelopPackaging' page.
> I will be clicking on the Team's 'Request to Join' page sometime after 
> I send this email.

I have granted a "Maintainer" role to your Salsa account. Note that you may or
may not do the work base on the Salsa git repo at 
https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/fdk-aac .

Please be aware that package fdk-aac is not a free software as determined by
Debian and was put under non-free section, which means any software depending
on it will have to be put either in contrib section or in non-free too.

When you are working on the git packaging repository, please follow the
suggestion at https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14 as well as the
Multimedia team's guideline as documented at 
https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/DevelopPackaging . When you have
reached a milestone in packaging the new version, please have your work
outcome uploaded onto mentors.debian.net for review and have other Debian
Developers review your work. If you prefer not to use mentors.debian.net, you
may also have the work ready in the git packaging repository on Salsa. If you
have any immature work stored in Git repo, you may also put the work under
your own namespace (at https://salsa.debian.org/GMiller-guest/<project_name>)

Boyuan Yang

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