[ re-sending this although I already answered your private mail for
-openoffices and the other two Cc's sake. BTW, the mail did not
bounce, it arrived to the list. ]


Moshe Gorohovsky wrote:
> We are maintainers of Hebrew version of OpenOffice.org,
> Hebrew site is www.openoffice.org.il (in Hebrew).
> Our additions to stock OpenOffice.org sources are:
>   1. Changes and additions to OOo source code for better Hebrew
>      and general right-to-left languages support.
>   2. Full Hebrew translation of user interface.
>   3. Various OOo default settings and templates to
>      support Hebrew out of the box.
> How can we integrate our efforts (and code sources) with Debian OOo
> sources ?

For 1., assuming you already signed the JCA, just submit those patches
to one ooo-build person (e.g. me, or send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). All patches are taken from there, shared
by Debian, Novell/SUSE and some "small" ones)

For 2., I just need a GSI. That can just be put into ooo-build/src
right, see the existing ones) and it'll automatically be merged.

For 3., see 1. Assuming they don't "break" other languages. Just send
them and we'll look

> We want to set-up CVS code repository for users
> to be able to checkout it and build Debian Hebrew OpenOffice.org
> >from the sources.

Well, assuiming there's a CVS repos I can take patches from there if

Otherwise, there's ooo-build (currently using CVS, sometime in the
future moving to svn) which contains patches and some of build scripts
to add extra stuff (see e.g. the extras_<lang>.tar.gz thing). If you
need modification of the debian/ directory, that's in a VCS,  too
(on arch.debian.org, using bazaar)

> How can we set-up Hebrew OOo source repository for Debian ?

Well, as said above, you can either send it to me or ooo-build

Or participate directly in Debian OOo packaging / ooo-build
for hebrew stuff so you can commit yourself. (You == you or someone
in your team familiar with Debian, but of course that can be learned)

I am happy to help people in either way.


 .''`.  Ren� Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/
 `. `'  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
   `-   Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB  7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73

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