
Am 21.01.24 um 15:27 schrieb Eric Valette:
On 21/01/2024 14:49, Rene Engelhard wrote:

Exactly that is the point of #1059040. The binary packages have to be renamed. (Then rebuild against libxml2-WHATEVERNEW). Then a rebuild LO will have a proper dependency on libxml2-WHATEVERNEW.

I agree that package with different APIs should bump their major .so version, but not obviously change their name. At least, that has not always been like that (more than 20 years...).

API != ABI. (New) API is different.

Here the new libxml2 removes functions and symbol versions used by gazillions of packages over the whole of the Debian archive.

And no, the exact point of Debian library package names is that they HAVE to change on ABI changes. Especially on a library like this which is used by virtually anything.

See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.h

No. The bug is in libxml2.

I disagree on this. Many ddl did not change their name when they have API breakage only bump major so that symbolic links does not get resolved.

Again API != ABI.

That is a bug in libxml2 regardless. See the discussion there, especially the comment about "partial updates", which this is.

libxml2 has to restore ABI compatibility or rename the package. (I would also argue as you if it was some minor thing or stuff removed noone really uses but that is not the case here, as said in the libxml2 bug it breaks stuff at runtime all over the place)



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